
文章来源: 发布时间:2020-05-28


受东北冷涡和低层暖湿气流影响,2016年6月10日北京午后爆发了相继5次降冰雹的一次强雷暴天气过程。利用国家“973”项目“雷电重大灾害天气系统的动力—微物理—电过程和成灾机理(雷暴973)”2016年夏季协同观测期间获得的闪电全闪三维定位和多普勒天气雷达等资料,详细分析了此次雹暴的闪电活动和雷达回波特征。此次雹暴过程包括三个孤立的单体相继发展、并合,所分析的4次降雹过程中,总闪电频数在降雹期间都有明显增多,最高可达179 flashes min?1。云闪占全部闪电的80%以上,其中3次降雹前出现正地闪突增,其比例升高,占全部地闪的比例最高达58%。降雹时雷达回波>45 dBZ的面积增大,顶高超过13 km。整个雹暴过程,闪电辐射源主要分布在6~10 km的高度区域,与强回波具有一致性。所分析的4次降雹过程均出现明显的总闪频数跃增,并通过2σ阈值检验,其中3次提前时间为8~18 min,说明总闪频数对于降雹过程有一定的预警能力。


Influenced by the Northeast China cold vortex and warm-moist airflow in low level, a damaging thunderstorm with five hail-fall stages occurred in Beijing on 10 June 2016. Based on the 3D-location results of total lightning from Beijing Lightning Network (BLNET) and Doppler radar data during the STORM 973 (Dynamic–microphysical–electrical Processes in Severe Thunderstorms and Lightning Hazards) campaign in 2016, the characteristics of lightning activity and radar reflectivity structure during this thunderstorm were analyzed. The thunderstorm consisted of three isolated cells triggered in sequence and finally merged together. The total lightning frequency increased significantly during the four analyzed hail-fall stages, up to 179 flashes min?1. IC (intra-cloud) lightning flashes accounted for more than 80% of the total lightning. The ratio of PCG (positive cloud-to-ground) to CG (cloud-to-ground) lightning (PCG/CG) increased sharply before three hail-fall stages, by up to 58%. During the hailstorm developments, the area of radar echo greater than 45 dBZ increased, and the echo top exceeded 13 km. Lightning radiation sources mainly distributed in the altitude layer from 6 km to 10 km throughout the hailstorm process, which was consistent with a strong radar echo region. Moreover, the total lightning flashes increased dramatically before the three analyzed processes and passed the 2σ threshold test. Three of them were 8–18 minutes ahead of the hail-fallings, which shows that the total lightning frequency has a certain early warning ability for hail-fall processes.


