- 一种基于海面背景的WindSat极化通道替代定标方法研究 2014-11-02
- 几种海水微波复介电常数模型的比较和分析 2014-11-02
- 星载全极化微波辐射计海面风向反演仿真研究 2014-11-02
- Cloud vertical distribution from radiosonde, remote sensing,and model simulations 2014-12-12
- Highly Biased Hygroscopicity Derived from Size-Resolved Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activation Ratios without Data Inversion 2014-12-08
- A comparison of the parameterization schemes of fog visibility using the in-situ measurements in the North China Plain 2014-12-08
- Evaluation of tropospheric SO2 retrieved from MAX-DOAS measurements in Xianghe, China 2014-12-08
- Retrieval of Vertical Distribution of Tropospheric Refractivity through Ground-Based GPS Observation 2014-12-08
- Isoprene and Its Energy Role in the Atmospheric Photochemical Processes 2014-12-08
- Surface gas pollutants in Lhasa, a highland city of Tibet – current levels and pollution implications 2014-12-08
- SO2 noontime-peak phenomenon in the North China Plain 2014-12-08
- Surface Trace Gases at a Rural Site between the Megacities of Beijing and Tianjin 2014-12-08
- 与东北冷涡相伴的高空急流诱发平流层重力波的数值模拟研究 2014-12-09
- 典型东北冷涡个例的平流层-对流层交换过程数值模拟研究 2014-12-09
- Advances in the Researches of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere in China in 2012–2014 2014-12-09