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2. Chen, Z., and D. Lu. Annual variation and global structures of the DE3 tide. Chinese Physical Letter, 2008, 25(6), 2323-2326. SCI
3. Chen, Z., and D. Lu. Global Structures and Multi-Temporal Variabilities of MLT Migrating Diurnal Tide. Chinese Physical Letter, 2008, 25(4), 1510-1513. SCI
4. Fan, X., P. Goloub, J. Deuzé, H. Chen, W. Zhang, D. Tanré, and Z. Li. Evaluation of PARASOL aerosol retrieval over North East Asia. Remote Sensing Environment, 2008, 112(3), 697-707. SCI
5. Dowden, R. L., R. H. Holzworth, C. J. Rodger, J. Lichtenberger, N. R. Thomson, A. R. Jacobson, E. Lay , J. B. Brundell, T. J. Lyons, S. O'Keefe, Z. Kawasaki, C. Price, V. Prior, P. Ortega, J. Weinman, Y. Mikhailov, O. Veliz, X. Qie, G. Burns, A. Collier, O. Pinto, R. Diaz, C. Adamo, E. R. Williams, S. Kumar, G. B. Raga, J. M. Rosado, E. E. Avila, M. A. Clilverd, T. Ulich, P. Gorham, T. J. G. Shanahan, T. Osipowicz, G. Cook, Y. Zhao. World-wide lightning location using VLF propagation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 2008, 50(5), 40-60. SCI
6. Kong, X., X. Qie, Y. Zhao. Characteristics of downward leader in a positive cloud-to-ground lightning flash observed by high-speed video camera and electric field changes. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2008, 35, L05816, doi:10.1029/2007GL032764. SCI
7. Krotkov, N. A., B. McClure, R. R. Dickerson, S. A. Carn, C. Li, P. K. Bhartia, K. Yang, A. J. Krueger, Z. Li, P. F. Levelt, H. Chen, P. Wang, and D. Lu. Validation of SO2 retrievals from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument over NE China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, 113, D16S40, doi:10.1029/2007JD008818. SCI
8. Liu, R., D. Lu, J. Xu and X. Hu. Phase relationships between tidal horizontal wind components observed in the mid-latitude winter upper mesosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2008, 70(1), 1-12. SCI
9. Min, Q., T. Wang, C. N. Long, and M. Duan. Estimating fractional sky cover from spectral measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, 113, D20208, doi:10.1029/2008JD010278. SCI
10. Tsonis, A. A., K. L. Swanson, and G. Wang. On the role of atmospheric teleconnections in climate. Journal of Climate, 2008, 21, 2990-3001. SCI
11. Tsonis, A. A., K. L. Swanson, and G. Wang. Estimating the clustering coefficient in scale-free networks on lattices with local spatial correlation structure. Physica A, 2008, 387, 5287-5294. SCI
12. Wang, G. and A. A. Tsonis. On the variability of ENSO at millennial timescales. Geophysical Research Letters, 2008, 35, L17702, doi:10.1029/2008GL035092. SCI
13. Wang KC, Liang SL, An improved method for estimating global evapotranspiration based on satellite determination of surface net radiation, vegetation index, temperature, and soil moisture, JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 2008,9(4): 712-727. SCI
14. Wang, X.,Q. Sun, X. Zhang, D. Lu, et al. First China ocean reflection experiment using coastal GNSS-R. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(7), 1117-1120. SCI
15. Wang, Y., D. Lu, and J. Huo. Impact of cloud inhomogeneity on bi-directional reflectance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(1), 124-130. SCI
16. Xia, X., T. Eck, B. Holben, P. Goloub, H. Chen. Analysis of the weekly cycle of aerosol optical depth using AERONET and MODIS data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, 113, D14217, doi:10.1029/2007JD009604. SCI
17. Xia, X., P. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Li, J. Xin, J. Liu, and H. Chen. Aerosol optical depth over the Tibetan Plateau and its relation to aerosols over the Taklimakan Desert. Geophysical Research Letters, 2008, 35, L16804, doi:10.1029/2008GL034981. SCI
18. Xia, X., Z. Li, P. Wang, M. Cribb, H. Chen and Y. Zhao. Analysis of photosynthetic photon flux density and its parameterization in Northern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2008, 148, 1101-1108. SCI
19. Xia, X., Z. Li, P. Wang, M. Cribb, H. Chen, and Y. Zhao. Analysis of relationships between ultraviolet radiation (295-385 nm) and aerosols as well as shortwave radiation in North China Plain. Annales Geophysicae, 2008, 26, 2403-2053. SCI
20. Yang, J., X. Qie, G. Zhang, Y. Zhao, T. Zhang. Red sprites over thunderstorms in the coast of Shandong province, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(7), 1079-1086. SCI
21. Yang, J., X. Qie, G. Zhang, and H. Wang. Magnetic field measuring system and current retrieval in artificially triggering lightning experiment. Radio Science, 2008, 43, RS2011, doi:10.1029/2007RS003753. SCI
22. Yuan, T., and X. Qie. Study on lightning activity and precipitation characteristics before and after the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, 113, D14101, doi:10.1029/2007JD009382. SCI
23. Zhang, G., Y. Zhao, X. Qie, T. Zhang, Y. Wang, and C. Chen. Observation and study on the whole process of cloud-to-ground lightning using narrowband radio interferometer. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(5), 694-708. SCI
24. Zhang, S., Y. Fan, C. Huang, and Z. Chen. Intensive radiosonde observations of gravity waves in the lower atmosphere over Yichang (111°18′E, 30°42′N) China. Annales Geophysicae, 2008, 26, 2005-2018. SCI
25. 王革丽, 杨培才, 毛宇清. 基于支持向量机方法对非平稳时间序列的预测. 物理学报, 2008, 57(2), 714-719. SCI
26. 杨静, 郄秀书, 王建国, 赵阳, 张其林, 袁铁, 周筠珺, 冯桂力. 雷电在水平导体中产生感应电压的观测及数值模拟研究. 物理学报, 2008, 57(3), 1968-1975. SCI
27. 张其林, 郄秀书, 张廷龙, 赵阳, 杨静. 雷电流波形的观测及沿通道时空分布的数值模拟. 电子学报, 2008, 36(9), 1829-1832. SCI
28. Bian, J., and H. Chen. Statistics of the tropopause inversion layer over Beijing. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2008, 25(3), 381-386. SCIE
29. Qiu, J., and J. Yang. Absorption Properties of Urban/Suburban Aerosols in China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2008, 25(1), 1-10. SCIE
30. Xie, J., and X. Xia. Long-term trend in aerosol optical depth from 1980 to 2001 in north China. Particuology, 2008, 6, 106-111. SCIE
31. Zhang, H., G.-Y. Shi, and Y. Liu, The effects of line-wing cutoff on radiative calculations. Acta Meteorologica Sinica (English Version), 2008, 22(2), 248-255. SCIE
32. 陈泽宇, 吕达仁. 卫星遥感东经120°子午圈MLT典型温度结构:中间层顶统计分析. 地球物理学报, 2008, 54(1), 982-990. SCIE
33. 吴振, 陈泽宇, 彭勇刚, 陈洪滨, 王振会, 吕达仁. 东亚MLT区域平均纬向风再评估—WINDII测量分析结果. 地球物理学报, 2008, 51(1), 44-50. SCIE
34. 白建辉, 王普才, 王庚辰. 北京周边地区主要微量气体的基本特征. 科学技术与工程, 2008, 8(9), 2323-2330.
35. 白建辉, 邹捍, 李爱国, 马舒坡, 贾京京, 李鹏, 王维, 霍翠萍. 珠穆朗玛峰北坡特殊地形下太阳辐射特征的初步研究. 气候与环境研究, 2008, 13(3), 225-237.
36. 陈洪滨, 范学花. 2007年极端天气和气候事件及其他相关事件的概要回顾. 气候与环境研究, 2008, 13(1), 102-112.
37. 陈洪滨, 朱彦良. 大气下投探空技术的发展与应用. 地球科学进展, 2008, 23(4), 337-341.
38. Chen, Z., H. Chen, W. Chen, and D. Lu. Advances in the researches in the middle and upper atmosphere in 2006-2008. Chinese Journal of Space Science, 2008, 28 (5), 412-423.
39. 陈泽宇, 吕达仁. DE3潮汐的全球结构. 科学通报, 2008, 53(23), 2940-2946.
40. 段民征, 吕达仁. 利用多角度POLDER偏振资料实现陆地上空大气气溶胶光学厚度和地表反照率的同时反演 II. 实例分析. 大气科学, 2008, 32(1), 27-35.
41. 樊雯璇, 王卫国, 卞建春, 等. 青藏高原及其邻近区域穿越对流层顶质量通量的时空演变特征. 大气科学, 2008, 32(6), 1309-1318.
42. 冯桂力, 郄秀书, 吴书君. 山东地区冰雹云的闪电活动特征. 大气科学, 2008, 32(2), 289-299.
43. 高登义, 邹捍, 周立波, 曲绍厚, 王庚辰. 极地大气科学考察研究与展望. 大气科学, 2008, 32(4), 882-892.
44. 何晴, 吕达仁. 陆面过程中植被的描述及其卫星遥感反演—从定性描述向定量描述的发展. 地球科学进展, 2008, 23(10), 1050-1060.
45. 李书严, 陈洪滨, 李伟. 城市化对北京地区气候的影响. 高原气象, 2008, 27(5), 1002-1111.
46. 刘冬霞, 郄秀书, 冯桂力, 吴书君. 华北一次强对流天气系统的地闪时空演变特征分析. 高原气象, 2008, 27(2), 358-364.
47. 刘仁强, 吕达仁. 中纬度冬季低热层潮汐非线性相互作用的MF雷达观测. 空间科学学报, 28(2), 142-151.
48. 刘毅, 董海鹰, 管兆勇. 双通道算法与MODIS算法反演中国近海气溶胶光学特性的对比研究. 遥感技术与应用, 2008, 23(2), 117-124.
49. 刘毅, 赵燕华, 管兆勇. 平流层环流异常对2008年1月雪灾过程的影响研究. 气候与环境研究, 2008, 13(4), 548-555.
50. 吕达仁, 陈泽宇, 卞建春, 陈洪滨. 平流层-对流层相互作用的多尺度过程特征及其与天气气候关系—研究进展. 大气科学, 2008, 32(4), 782--793.
51. 郄秀书, 吕达仁, 陈洪滨, 等. 大气探测高技术及应用研究进展. 大气科学, 2008, 32(4), 867-881.
52. 邱金桓. 从窄带或宽带总辐射反演气溶胶一次散射反照率研究. 自然科学进展, 2008, 18, 98-104.
53. 邱金桓, 王普才, 夏祥鳌, 段民征, 宗雪梅. 近年来大气遥感研究进展. 大气科学, 2008, 32(4), 841-853.
54. 邱金桓, 许潇锋, 杨景梅. 北京等7个气象台站太阳总辐射观测资料的准确度评估. 应用气象学报, 2008, 19(3), 287-296.
55. 石玉珍, 王庚辰, 徐永福. 北京市城近郊区光化学烟雾模拟研究. 气候与环境研究, 2008, 13(1), 84-92.
56. 王海平, 刘毅, 蔡兆男. 应用MIPAS/ENVISAT卫星遥感资料研究平流层爆发性增温过程中大气化学成分变化特征. 遥感科学与应用, 2008, 23(3), 389-393.
57. 王建凯, 王开存, 王普才. 三维城市地表反射率计算模式. 大气科学, 2008, 32(5), 1119-1127.
58. 王鑫, 孙强, 张训械, 吕达仁, 等. 中国首次岸基GNSS-R海洋遥感实验. 科学通报, 2008, 53(5), 589-592.
59. Wu, Z., Z. Chen, Y. Peng, H. Chen, Z. Wang, and D. Lu. Reexaming MLT zonal winds in 120°E meridian by using WINDII data. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (English edition), 2008, 51(1), 34-41.
60. 杨静, 郄秀书, 张广庶, 赵阳, 张彤. 发生于山东沿海雷暴云上方的红色精灵. 科学通报, 2008, 53(4), 482-488.
61. 余予, 陈洪滨, 夏祥鳌, 王普才, Zhanqing Li. 香河地区光合有效辐射观测分析研究. 高原气象, 2008, 27(5), 1094-1101.
62. 张广庶, 赵玉祥, 郄秀书, 张彤, 王彦辉, 陈成品. 利用无线电窄带干涉仪定位系统对地闪全过程的观测与研究. 中国科学(D辑): 地球科学, 2008, 38(9), 1167 – 1180.
63. 张恒德, 高守亭, 刘毅. 极涡研究进展. 高原气象, 2008, 27(2), 452-461.
64. 张其林, 郄秀书, 王振会, 杨仲江, 李霞, 施广全. 地面电导率对地闪回击辐射场传输的影响. 高电压技术, 2008, 34(10), 2036-2040.
65. 张廷龙, 郄秀书, 袁铁, 张广庶, 张彤, 赵阳. 中国内陆高原地区典型雷暴过程的地闪特征及电荷结构反演. 大气科学, 2008, 32(5), 1221-1228.
66. 赵中阔, 郄秀书, 张广庶, 张廷龙, 张彤, 郭凤霞, 窦志强, 雷暴云内电场探测仪及初步实验结果. 高原气象, 2008, 27(4), 881-887.