
文章来源: 发布时间:2003-01-25

1.         Bai Jian hui, Wang Gengchen, Establishing a Ultraviolet Radiation Observational Network and Enhancing the Study on Ultraviolet Radiation, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2003, 20(5), 767–774.
2.         Bai Jian Hui, Wang Geng chen, and Hu Fei, Ultraviolet Radiation in Overcast Sky at the Surface, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2003, 20(6), 1007-1009.
3.         Chen Hongbin and Lin Longfu:A numerical simulation of temperature profile retrievals from the brightness temperatures in 6 channels near 118.75 GHz, Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 2003, 27(3), 237-244.
4.         Duan Shu, L Zhang, JL Liu: Development of dual-polarization radar in an active and passive dual-wavelength (X/Ka) microwave remote sensing, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2003, 4894, 345-351.
5.         Mao Jietai, Localized 3D-strucual features of dynamic-chemical processes of urban air pollution in Beijing winter, Chinese Sci. Bull., 2003, 48, 819-825.
6.         Li Zhanqing, TP Ackerman, W Wiscombe, G L Stephens: Have clouds darkened since 1995?,  Science, 2003, 302.
7.         Liu Jinli, Longfu Lin, Ling Zhang and Daren Lu: A Method of Microwave Remote Sensing of Rainfall Distribution over Tropical ocean, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2003, 4894, 25-30.
8.         Lu Daren and Wenxing Zhang: Ground-based remote sensing of vertical distribution of aerosols with sky radiance measurements: numerical simulation, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2003, 4891, 237.
9.         Qiu Jinhuan, Broadband extinction method, to determine aerosol optical depth from accumulated direct solar radiation,  J. Appl. Meteor., 2003, 42(11), 1611-1625.
10.     Ren Lixin, Wang Gengchen, and Zhang Renjian: Methane Emissions From Rice Fields in the Chengdu Plain of China, Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 2003, 27(1), 28-42.
11.     Wang, Gengchen E.I. Grechko, A.S. Emilenko, V.M. Kopeikin, and E.V. Fokeeva, Simultaneous Measurements of the Carbon Monoxide Column Density and Submicron Aerosol in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Beijing, Atmos. Oceanic Opt., 2003, 16(1), 38-43.
12.     Xu Xiangde, Ding Guoan, Zhou li, Zheng Xiangdong, Bian Lingen, Qiu Jinhuan, Yang Liquan,
13.     Zhang Wenxing, Daren Lu, and Pucai Wang: Measurement and analysis of atmospheric aerosol optical thickness and Angstrom exponent of 1998-2000 over the Beijing area,  Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2003, 4891, 497.
14.     Zhang Ling, Jinli Liu, Shu Duan, and Daren Lu: The Small Scale Nonuniform Rain Beam Filling Errors in the Spaceborne Radar Rain Measurement, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2003, 4894, 73-82.
15.     白建辉,徐永福,陈辉,王庚辰,石立庆,孟泽,黄忠良,孔国辉: 鼎湖山森林地区臭氧及其前体物的变化特征和分析, 气候与环境研究, 2003, 8(3), 370-380.
16.     白建辉,王明星,胡非, James P. Greenberg and Alex B. Guenther: 植物挥发性有机物的初步研究,气候与环境研究, 2003, 8(2), 180-187.
17.     白建辉, 王庚辰, 任丽新, Brad Baker, Patrick Zimmerman, 梁宝生: 内蒙古草原挥发性有机物排放通量的研究,环境科学, 2003, 24(6), 16-22.
18.     白建辉,王庚辰,Bradly Baker, Lee Klinger, 李庆军,王永峰: 内蒙古草地挥发性有机物的预研究, 科学技术与工程, 2003, 3(12), 179-181.
19.     白建辉,王庚辰,胡非: 近20年北京晴天紫外辐射的变化趋势, 大气科学, 2003, 27(2), 273-280.
20.     卞建春,杨培才: 关于大气过程可预报性问题的一些讨论, 高原气象, 2003,22(4),315-323.
21.     陈洪滨,林龙福: 从118.75 GHz附件六通道亮温反演大气温度廓线的数值模拟研究, 大气科学, 2003, 27(5), 894-900.
22.     刁丽军,顾松山,王普才,刘春田,陈洪滨: 北京地面紫外辐射(光谱)的观测与分析,气象科学, 2003, 23(1), 22-30.
23.     杜睿,吕达仁,王庚辰,万小伟: 温度对内蒙古典型草原土壤N2O排放的影响, 自然科学进展, 2003, 13(1), 64-68.
24.     杜睿,周宇光,王庚辰,吕达仁,万小伟: 土壤水分对温带典型草地N2O排放过程的影响, 自然科学进展, 2003, 13(9), 939-945.
25.     黄芳,陈洪滨,王振会: 37GHz和94GHz的大气微波衰减比较分析, 遥感技术与应用, 2003, 18(5), 269-275.
26.     李国辉,吕达仁,XX TIE: 对流层顶变化对上对流层-下平流层臭氧分布的影响, 空间科学学报, 2003, 23(4), 269-277.
27.     刘锦丽,吕达仁,张凌,段树: 降水云中液水含量的空基遥感, 遥感学报, 2003, 7(3), 227-232.
吕达仁,陈洪滨: 平流层和中层大气研究的进展, 大气科学, 2003, 27(4), 750-769.
28.     吕达仁,王普才,邱金桓,陶诗言: 大气遥感与卫星气象学研究的进展与回顾, 大气科学, 2003, 27, 552-566.
29.     白建辉,王昂生: 关于异常降水预报的思考, 自然灾害学报, 2003, 12(1), 42-46.
30.     邱金桓,吕达仁,陈洪滨,王庚辰,石广玉: 现代大气物理学研究进展,大气科学, 2003, 27, 628-653.
31.     邱金桓,郑斯平,黄其荣等: 北京地区对流层上部云和气溶胶的激光雷达探测, 大气科学, 2003, 27, 1-7.
32.     王庚辰,孔琴心,宣越健,万小伟,陈洪滨,马舒庆: 中国大气臭氧探空仪的研制和应用, 地球科学进展, 2003, 18(3), 471-475.
33.     王萍,陈洪滨,吕达仁: 地基曙暮光光谱反演平流层O3和NO2柱含量,大气科学, 2003, 27(6), 1067-1075.
