
文章来源: 发布时间:2019-06-14

2014年实验室在国内外学术期刊发表学术论文共93篇,发表期刊包括ACP JCJGRGRL、中国科学、科学通报等,其中SCI(E)论文47篇。


1.        Cai Z., Y.Liu, D. Yang. 2014. Analysis of XCO2 retrieval sensitivity using simulated Chinese Carbon Satellite (TanSat) measurements. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(8): 1919-1928doi: 10.1007/s11430-013-4707-1.

2.        Che H., X. Xia, J. Zhu, et al. (2014), Column aerosol optical properties and aerosol radiative forcing during a serious pollution month over North China Plain in 2013 based on ground-based sunphotometer measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 2125-2138, doi:10.5194/acp-14-2125-2014.

3.        Chen D, D. Lu, Z. Chen. 2014. Simulation of the stratosphere-troposphere exchange process in a typical cold vortex over Northeast China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 57: 1452–1463, doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4864-x.

4.        陈丹,陈泽宇吕达仁等.与东北冷涡相伴的高空急流诱发平流层重力波的数值模拟研究.地球物理学报,2014, 57(1): 10-20, doi:10.6038/cjg20140102.

5.        Cummer, S. A., M. S. Briggs, J. R. Dwyer, S. Xiong, V. Connaughton, G. J. Fishman, G. Lu, F. Lyu, and R. Solanki (2014), The source altitude, electric current, and intrinsic brightness of terrestrial gamma ray flashes, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1002/ 2014GL062196.

6.        Deng J, Liu Y., Yang D., Cai Z. CH4 retrieval from hyperspectral satellite measurements in short-wave infrared: Sensitivity study and preliminary test with GOSAT data. Chinese Science Bulletin, 201459(14):1499-1507.

7.        Fei Y., X. Xia, H. Che, Dust aerosol drives long term trend of surface solar radiation during 1980-2009 in the Taklimakan Desert, Atmos. Sci. Lett., 2014, 282-287,doi:10.1002/asl2.500.

8.        He W.,C. Zou, H. Chen,Validation of AMSU-A measurements from two different calibrations in the lower stratosphere using COSMIC radio occultation data, Chin. Sci. Bull.2014, 59(11):1159–1166, DOI 10.1007/s11434-014-0125-9.

9.        Hendrick, F., J.-F. Müller, K. Clémer, P. Wang, M. De Mazière, C. Fayt, C. Gielen, C. Hermans, J. Z. Ma, G. Pinardi, T. Stavrakou, T. Vlemmix, and M. Van Roozendael, Four years of ground-based MAX-DOAS observations of HONO and NO2 in the Beijing area, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 765-781, 2014.

10.    Huo J. and D. Lu 2014, Physical properties of high-level cloud over land and ocean from CloudSat/CALIPSO data. Journal of Climate, Vol. 27, No. 23. 8966-8978.

11.    Jiang R.,X. Qie, Z. Wu,D. Wang,M. Liu,G. Lu, and D. Liu (2014), Characteristics of upward lightning from a 325-m-tall meteorology tower, Atmos. Res., 149, 111-119. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.06.007.

12.    Jiang, R., Z. Wu,X. Qie,D. Wang,and M. Liu (2014), High-speed video evidence of a dart leader with bidirectional development, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 5246-5250, doi: 10.1002/2014GL060585.

13.    Lin, J.-T., Martin, R. V., Boersma, K. F., Sneep, M., Stammes, P., Spurr, R., Wang, P., Van Roozendael, M., Clémer, K., and Irie, H.: Retrieving tropospheric nitrogen dioxide from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument: effects of aerosols, surface reflectance anisotropy, and vertical profile of nitrogen dioxide, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 1441-1461, doi:10.5194/acp-14-1441-2014, 2014.

14.    Liu, C., B. Tian, K.-F. Li, G. L. Manney, N. J. Livesey, Y. L. Yung, and D. E. Waliser (2014), Northern Hemisphere mid-winter vortex-displacement and vortex-split stratospheric sudden warmings: Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,119,doi: 10.1002/2014JD021876.

15.    Liu, D., X. Qie,L. Peng, and W. Li (2014), Charge structure of a summer thunderstorm in North China: Simulation using a Regional Atmospheric Model System. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(5), 1022-1034, doi: 10.1007/s00376-014- 3078-7.

16.    Liu H., M. Duan, D. Lu, Y. Zhang, Algorithm for retrieving surface pressure from hyper-spectral measurements in oxygen A-band, Chinese Science Bulletin 2014, 59 (14): 1492-1498

17.    Liu Y.,Z. N. Cai,D. X. Yang,M. Z. Duan,D. R. Lu (2013) Effects of spectral sampling rate and range of CO2 absorption bands on XCO2 retrieval from TanSat hyperspectral spectrometer. Chin. Sci. Bull. (2014) 59(14):1485–1491, DOI 10.1007/s11434-014-0215-8.

18.    Liu Y.,Zhang Y.*,Overview of the Major 2012-2013 Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Sudden Warming: Evolution and Its Association with Surface Weather, J. Meteoro Res. 2014,V28, N4, 561-575.

19.    Lu, G.,R. Jiang,X. Qie,H. Zhang,Z. Sun,M. Liu,Z. Wang, and K. Liu (2014), Burst of intracloud current pulses during the initial continuous current of a rocket-triggered lightning flash, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1002/2014GL062127.

20.    Min Q., Yin B., Li S., Berndt J., Harrison L., Joseph E., Duan M.,and Kiedron P., A high-resolution oxygen A-band spectrometer (HABS) and its radiation closure. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1711-1722, 2014

21.    Pan, L., X. Qie, and D. Wang (2014), Lightning activity and its relation to the intensity of typhoons over the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(3), 581-592, doi: 10.1007/s00376-013-3115-y.

22.    Pan, L. J.,and D. R. Lu,2014. Retrievals of atmospheric boundary layer temperature and moisture profiles by using Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) measurements in Shouxian. Chin. Sci. Bull., 59(8), 795–801.

23.    Pan, L. L., L. C. Paulik, S. B. Honomichl, L. A. Munchak, J. Bian, H. B. Selkirk, and H. V?mel (2014), Identification of the tropical tropopause transition layer using the ozone-water vapor relationship, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JD020558.

24.    Qie, X.,D. Liu,and Z. Sun (2014d), Recent advances in research of lightning meteorology, J. Meteorol. Res., 28(5), 983–1002, doi:10.1007/s13351-014-3295-0.

25.    Qie X.,R. Jiang,and J. Yang (2014), Characteristics of current pulses in rocket-triggered lightning, Atmos. Res., 135-136: 322-329. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.11.012.

26.    Qie X.,R. Zhu,T. Yuan, X. Wu,W. Li, and D. Liu (2014), Application of total-lightning data assimilation in a mesoscale convective system based on the WRF model, Atmos. Res., 145-146: 255-266. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.04.012.

27.    Qie X.,X. Wu,T. Yuan, J. Bian,and D. Lu (2014), Comprehensive Pattern of Deep Convective Systems over the Tibetan Plateau–South Asian Monsoon Region Based on TRMM Data, J. Climate, 27: 6612-6626. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00076.1.

28.    Qiu J., X. Xia, J. Bai, P. Wang, X. Zong and D. Lu, (2014), A new method to calibrate shortwave solar radiation measurements, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 31, 1321-1329.

29.    Qiu J. X. Zong, 2014: A New Method to Retrieve Thin Cloud Optical Thickness from a Ratio of Scattering to Global Solar Irradiance. J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 1521–1528.

30.    Ran L.,W. L. Lin, et al., Surface gas pollutants in Lhasa, a highland city of Tibet – current levels and pollution implications, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 10721-10730, 2014. IF: 5.29

31.    Stavrakou T., J. Muller, M. Bauwens, I. Smedt, M. Roozendael, A. Guenther, M. Wild, X. Xia (2014), Isoprene emissions over Asia 1979-2012: impact of climate and land use changes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 4587-4605.

32.    Sun L., X. Xia, P. Wang and Y. Fei,Do aerosols impact ground observation of total cover cover over the North China?, Global Planetary Change, 2014, 117, 91-95. ,doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.03.009.

33.    Tang J., P. Wang, L. Mickley, X. Xia, H. Liao, X. Yue, L. Sun, J. Xia (2014), Positive relationship between liquid cloud droplet effective radius and aerosol optical depth over Eastern China from satellite data, Atmos. Environ., 84, 244-253.

34.    Tao J., L. Zhang, J. Cao, S. Hsu, X. Xia, Z. Zhang, Z. Lin, T. Chen and R. Zhang, Characterization and source apportionment of aerosol light extinction in Chengdu, southwest China, Atmos. Environ., 2014, 95, 552-562.

35.    Tian X., Z. Xie, Z. Cai, Y. Liu, Y. Fu, H. Zhang. The Chinese carbon cycle data-assimilation system (Tan-Tracker). Chin. Sci. Bull. (2014) 59(14):1541–1546, DOI 10.1007/s11434-014-0238-1.

36.    Sun, Z.,X. Qie, R. Jiang, M. Liu,X. Wu, Z. Wang, G. Lu,and H. Zhang (2014), Characteristics of a rocket-triggered lightning flash with large stroke number and the associated leader propagation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD022100.

37.    Wang, T., Hendrick, F., Wang, P.,Tang, G., Clémer, K., Yu, H., Fayt, C., Hermans, C., Gielen, C., Müller, J.-F., Pinardi, G., Theys, N., Brenot, H., and Van Roozendael, M.: Evaluation of tropospheric SO2 retrieved from MAX-DOAS measurements in Xianghe, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 11149-11164, doi:10.5194/acp-14-11149-2014,2014.

38.    Wang Y., D. Lu, Q. Li, M. Duan, F. Hu, and S. Hu. CO2 Diurnal Cycle in Boundary Layer at Beijing and Hefei - Observations and Modeling. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(14): 1529-1535, 2014.

39.    Xia X., A critical assessment of direct radiative effects of different aerosol types on surface global radiation and its components, J. Quan. Spec. Rad. Tran., 2014, 149, 72-80.

40.    Xu W. Y., C. S. Zhao, L. Ran,et al., SO2 noontime-peak phenomenon in the North China Plain, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 7757-7768, 2014. IF: 5.29

41.    Wu, X., X.Wang, and D. R. Lü (2014), Retrieval of vertical distribution of tropospheric refractivity through groundbased GPS observation. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(1), 37–47, doi: 10.1007/s00376-013-2215-z.

42.    Yang J.,G. Lu,J. Du, and W. Pan (2014), Ground-Based Observations of Unusual Atmospheric Light Emissions, J. Meteor. Res., 28(4) 624-633. doi: 10.1007/s13351-014-3086-7.

43.    Zhang, F., Li, Y., Li, Z., Sun, L.,Li, R., Zhao, C., Wang, P., Sun, Y., Liu, X., Li, J., Li, P., Ren, G., and Fan, T.: Aerosol hygroscopicity and cloud condensation nuclei activity during the AC3Exp campaign: implications for cloud condensation nuclei parameterization, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 13423-13437, doi:10.5194/acp-14-13423-2014, 2014.

44.    Zhang J., Y. Xuan,X. Yan, M. Liu,H. Tian, X. Xia, L. Pang, and X. Zheng2014),Development and preliminary evaluation of a double-cell ozonesonde . Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(4), 938-947, doi: 10.1007/s00376-013-3104-1.

45.    Zhang, J., Xue, H., Deng, Z., Ma, N., Zhao, C., Zhang, Q. (2014), A comparison of the parameterization schemes of fog visibility using the in-situ measurements in the North China Plain, Atmos. Environ., doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.03.068.

46.    Zhang J., Z. Li, H. Chen, H. Yoo, M. Cribb (2014), Cloud vertical distribution from radiosonde, remote sensing, and model simulations, Clim Dyn, 43:1129–1140.  DOI 10.1007/s00382-014-2142-4

47.     Zhu J.,H. Che, X. Xia et al. (2014), Column-integrated aerosol optical and physical properties at a regional background atmosphere in North China Plain, Atmos. Environ., 84 54-64.  



48.    Cai Z.,Y. Liu,and X. Liu, 2014: Sensitivity studies for monitoring tropospheric ozone from space using the ultraviolet and visible and the polarization bands, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7, 198–202, doi:10. 3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0092.

49.    陈丹,吕达仁陈泽宇. 2014. 典型东北冷涡个例的平流层-对流层交换过程数值模拟研究. 中国科学 地学科学,44: 797–809

50.    Chen Z., H. Chen, J. Xu, et al.. 2014 Advances in the Researches of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere in China in 2012-2014. Chinese Journal of Space Science, 34(5): 669-687.

51.    岑炬辉,何文英,陈洪滨,临边微波辐射计亮度温度的模拟与敏感性分析, 遥感技术与应用, 2014, 29(4), 557-566. doi10.11873/j.issn.1004-0323.2014.4.0557.

52.    Deng Z.,L. Ran, Highly biased hygroscopicity derived from size-resolved cloud condensation nuclei activation ratios without data inversion, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7(3), 254-259, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0116, 2014

53.    Fan, X.,and H. Chen,2014: Aerosol type identification using PARASOL multichannel polarized data, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7, 224–229, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0088.

54.    郜婧婧,段民征,孙淑珍. 一个简单的非水平均匀的大气临边矢量辐射传输模式。遥感技术与应用, 2014, 29(5): 735-743

55.    何文英,卞建春,陈洪滨, 星载雷达观测分析亚洲季风区对流层顶附近的对流活动, 遥感技术与应用, 2014, 29(4): 594-599. doi10.11873/j.issn.1004-0323.2014.4.0594

56.    霍彦峰,段民征,气溶胶光学厚度类型及廓线对CO2反演的敏感性分析。遥感技术与应用, 2014, 29(1): 33-39.

57.    Jia S.J. and Lu D. R., 2014: Optimal Forward-scattering Angles of Atmospheric Aerosols in North China, AOSL, 7(3), 236-242.

58.    Jia S.J. , Lu D. R. and Xuan Y.J., 2014: An optical disdrometer for measuring present weather parameters,AOSL, 7(6), 559-563.

59.    Jiang R.,Z. Sun,and Z. Wu (2014), Concurrent Upward Lightning Flashes from Two Towers, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7, 260-264, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0099.

60.    李丹, 卞建春, 范秋君, 2014: 东亚一次典型切断低压引起的平流层空气深入侵过程的分析. 中国科学: 地球科学, 44, 2315–2327.

61.    李姣,段民征,覃军. 基于逐次散射法的海洋大气矢量辐射传输模式. 遥感技术与应用, 2014, 29(2): 181-188

62.    Li Q., H. Shi,A. Shao, J. Bian, D. Lu. Distribution and Variation of Carbon Monoxide in the Tropical Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, Vol. 7, No. 3, 218-223, 2014.

63.    廖瑶,吕达仁,何晴,MODISMISRPOLDER三个全球地表反照率卫星反演产品的比较与分析,遥感技术与应用,20146

64.    凌超,陈泽宇,陈洪滨. 2014. 中间层顶区域大气平均风场年和半年振荡的全球结构. 气候与环境研究, 19(3): 383-392, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2013.13072.

65.    Liu Ruixia,Hongbin  Chen,De  Huichen,Guoqing Xu,A Case Study of Impact of FY-2C Satellite Date in Cloud Analysis to Improve Short-Range Precipitation Forecast.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters.2014.11,7(6):527-533

66.    Mikhail A. Sviridenkov1,Alexander S. Emilenko,WANG Pu-Cai,WANG Geng-Chen,2014: Polarimetric Study of the Fine Aerosol Fraction in Beijing . Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7(3), 210-212, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0107.

67.    Pan, Y.,D. Lu, and W. Pan, 2014: A new method for aerosol retrieval based on lidar observations in Beijing, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett.,7, 203–209,doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0090.

68.    Qiao, S.,W. Pan, K.-Y. Zhu, et al., 2014: Initial results of lidar measured middle atmosphere temperatures over Tibetan Plateau, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett.,7,213–217,doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0114.

69.    郄秀书,刘冬霞,孙竹玲 (2014), 闪电气象学研究进展, 气象学报, 72(5), 1054–1068, doi:10.11676/qxxb2014.048.

70.    Ran L.,W. L. Lin, P. C. Wang, Z. Z. Deng, Surface trace gases at a rural site between the megacities of Beijing and Tianjin, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7(3), 230-235, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0115,2014.

71.    史华锋, 李倩, 邵爱梅, 卞建春, 吕达仁, 2014: 南北极区冬春季节大气平流层CO 次峰现象. 大气科学, 38 (1), 73–82,

72.    Shi H.,Li Q., Shao A., Bian J., Lu D.. Sub-peaks of CO concentration in the stratosphere over polar regions during winter to spring seasons. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in Chinese), 38 (1): 73-82, 2014.

73.    Sun, Z.,X. Qie,and M. Liu (2014), Characteristics of a negative cloud-to-ground lightning discharge based on locations of VHF radiation sources, Atmospheric Ocean. Sci. Lett., 7(3), 248–253.

74.    Wang G. and P. Yang, 2014: Projections of global mean surface temperature under future emissions scenarios using a new predictive technique Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 73),186-189.

75.    王婧,刘毅,张华,蔡兆男,杨东旭. LM以及CIA效应对TanSat 三个波段吸收光谱的影响, 遥感技术与应用, 2014, 29(5).

76.    Wang P.,G. S. GOLITSYN, G. Wang,E. I. GRECHKO, V. S. Rakitin,Ekaterina V. Fokeeva, A. V. Dzhola, 2014: Variation Trend and Characteristics of Anthropogenic CO Column Content in the Atmosphere over Beijing and Moscow. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7(3), 243-247, doi: 10.3878/ j.issn.1674-2834.13.0106.

77.    王婷,王普才,余环,孙丽,2014:华北地区香河站对流层NO2MAX-DOAS光谱仪观测及变化特征分析[J].气候与环境研究,191):51-60.

78.    王宇,郄秀书,王东方,刘明远,王志超 (2014), 正地闪和负地闪预击穿脉冲序列的统计分析与对比, 大气科学, 38(1): 21-31. doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2013.12167.

79.    Wang Y.,D. Lu,Q. Li,Y. Pan. Verifying Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions Forecated by Artificial Neural Network with GEOS-Chem Model. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, Vol. 7, No. 5, 377-381, 2014.

80.    Yang J. and X. Zong, 2014: Stratospheric Aerosol Extinction Profile Retrieval from SCIAMACHY Limb MeasurementsAtmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7(3), 265–268.

81.    Yang J., X. Zong, and P. Wang, 2014: Characterization of Stratospheric Aerosol Distributions during the Volcanically Quiescent Period of 1998–2004Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7(4), 291–296 doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1674 -2834.13.0076.

82.    Yang J. and X. Zong, 2014: An Empirical Model for Estimating the Zonal Mean Aerosol Extinction Profiles from SAGE II Measurements, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett.7(6), 553–558

83.    张彬, 金莲姬, 王革丽, 2014: 非平稳时间序列的区域预测研究,气候与环境研究,19 (1): 89–96.

84.    张岱乐, 卞建春, 杨军, 2014: 上对流层/下平流层水物质分布与输送特征. 气象与环境学报, 30(5), 49-56.

85.    Zhang J.,Y. Xuan,X. Xia,M Liu, X. Yan, L. Pang, Z. Bai, and X. Wan2014),Performance evaluation of a self-developed ozonesonde and its application in an intensive observational campaign. Atmos. Oceanic. Sci. Lett., 7(3), 175-179, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0089.

86.    张金强,宣越健,刘明远,孙竹玲,庞黎,2014,臭氧探空仪电化学反应池检测设备研制与应用,气象科技, 423):397-401.

87.    张其林,田野, 陆高鹏 (2014) ,中高层(60120 km)大气电参数非线性效应对地闪回击电磁场传播的影响气象学报, 724, 805814.

88.    张晓玲,夏祥鳌等,区域污染对本底地区气溶胶光学特性及辐射强迫影响的地基和卫星遥感观测研究,环境科学,201435, 1-10.

89.    Zhang Y.,Y. Liu,and C. Liu,2014: Dynamic seasonal transition from winter to summer in the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7(3), 180-185, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0082.

90.    张艳品,章文星,吕达仁. 2014. 卫星(IASI 探测仪)观测云顶高与地基云雷达观测的对比验证. 大气科学, 38 (5): 874?884, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1402.13161.

91.    张勇吕达仁,星载全极化微波辐射计海面风向反演仿真研究,遥感技术与应用,20143386-393.

92.    张勇孙强吕达仁,几种海水微波复介电常数模型的比较和分析,遥感技术与应用,20142212-218.

93.    张勇吕达仁,一种基于海面背景的WindSat极化通道替代定标方法研究,遥感技术与研究,20145727-734.



