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3. Fan X. H., P. Goloub, J. L.Deuzé, H. B. Chen, D. Tanré, and Z. Q. Li (2008), Evaluation of PARASOL aerosol retrieval over North East Asia, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 697-707.
4. Fan X.H., H. B. CHEN, L. F. LIN, Z. G. HAN and P. Goloub (2009), Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Properties over the Beijing Area Using POLDER/PARASOL Satellite Polarization Measurements, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26(6), 1099-1107.
5. Fan X.H., H.B. Chen, L.F. Lin, Z.G. Han, P. Goloub, and W.X. Zhang (2009), Validation of Polder-2/PARASOL aerosol products over Beijing area, J. Remote Sen., 13(1): 137-144.
6. Yao Z.G., Z.G. Han, Z. L. Zhao, L.F. Lin, and X. H. Fan (2010), Synergetic use of POLDER and MODIS for multilayered cloud identification, Remote Sensing of Environment,doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.03.014.