姓 名: | 吕达仁 | 性 别: | 男 | ![]() |
职 务: | 职 称: | 研究员 | ||
通讯地址: | ||||
邮政编码: | 100029 | 电子邮件: | Ludr@mail.iap.ac.cn | |
个人主页: |
中国科学院院士,研究员,男,1940年1月生,1962年毕业于北京大学地球物理系, 1966年中国科学院研究生毕业。1981年至1982年在美国NOAA/ERL进行合作研究,1985年晋升为研究员。先后担任国家高技术(863)计划航天领域专家委员会委员,国际辐射委员会委员(Member,IRC, 1988年始),国际高层大气气象学会委员会委员(Member, ICMA,1992年始), 国际日地物理学会(SCOSTEP)学术委员,中国空间科学学会理事、中国气象学会大气物理委员会副主任,国家自然科学基金委地学部咨询专家组专家等。目前从事大气与地球环境遥感,大气辐射传输、中层大气与日地物理,生态与气候相互作用的探测与理论模式等方面研究。曾获国家自然科学三等奖一项(1989年,大气微波辐射与遥感原理研究),国家科技进步二等奖一项(1998年,南极科学考察研究),中国科学院等部委的重大成果、自然科学奖等八项。已培养博士生10余名,硕士生10余名。发表学术论文共100余篇,合作专著3本有代表性的论文。
4.VHF Doppler Radar Observations of Buoyancy Waves Associated with Thunderstorms, 1984 J.Atm.Sci.
5.Remote Sensing of Cloud Optical AVHRR and Ground-based Observation, 1993,Adv Space Res.
6.Ground-based Remote Sensing of the Size Distribution of Pinatobus Volcanic Cloud, 1994, Acta Meteorological Sinica.
Lu Da-Ren, Ph. Doctor, Academician of CAS
Brief Experences
1956-1962: Peking University, Dept. of Geophysics, majoring in Atmospheric Physics.
1962-1966: Graduate student in Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in Atmospheric Physics.
1967- research scientist at IAP , as research professor since 1985, Division director, Director of LAGEO (Key Laboratory of middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation).
1981-1982, visiting scientist in NOAA/ERL/ Aeronomy Laboratory, Boulder, CO, US.
1987-1993, Expert team member of China's National High-Tech Program/ Space Technology Area/ Manned Space Station and its Application. 1993-1997 Steering Committee Member of China National High-Tech Program/ Space Technology Area.
1988-1993, 1996-1999, 2006- Review Panel member of National Natural Science Foundation of China in Atmospheric Sciences.
1990-1993 Vice chairman, Committee on Space Science and Application, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1998- Member, Academic Committee on Remote Sensing, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2005 Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academic activities:
1988-2000, Member, International Radiation Commission (IAMAS/)
1992-2000, Member, International Committee on Middle Atmosphere (IAMAS/)
1995-2003 Scientific Representative, SCOSTEP
1987-present, Council member, Chinese Space Science Society (CSSS) and member of Commission on Space Physics, CSSS
1986-2005, Vice Chairman, Committee on Atmospheric physics, Chinese Meteorological Society
2004-2007, Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange over East Asia
Awards: National Natural Science Prize (3rd Rank):"Study on Atmospheric Microwave Radiation and Remote Sensing" 1989
National Science and Technology Progress Prize (2nd Rank):"Antarctic Survey" 1998
8 items of Ministry level's awards since 1981 from The Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Oceanography Bureau, and other Ministries
Research Topics and activities
He has been involved in basic and high-tech research in various fields of atmospheric science, solar-terrestrial physics, as well as earth observation and global change research. In 1960s, mainly involved in thunderstorm and atmospheric radio emission study, Since 1970s, involving in lidar atmospheric remote sensing of aerosol distribution and boundary layer structure, as well as atmospheric visibility. Since 1975, involving in microwave remote sensing with both developing ground-based MW radiometer for field observation as well as space-borne MW remote sensing retrieval method. In 1980, he firstly suggested the principle of combined active and passive microwave remote sensing for precipitation distribution and established an iterative solution for combined remote sensing equations. Since mid-1970s, has been involving in atmospheric aerosol remote sensing with optical observation. In 1981, he firstly suggested a retrieval principle for aerosol size distribution by using joint solar-direct spectral irradiance and forward scattered radiances. Since early 1980s, involving middle atmosphere research, as chief scientist to develop the first VHF/ST radar in mainland China, doing research on Gravity Waves, ozone variation, volcanic eruption, as well as stratosphere- troposphere coupling etc.
In mid 1980's, involved in Project of Global Character Study on Sun- Earth System during 22nd Solar Cycle, then as PI leading the Project of Global Character of Sun-Earth System over Antarctica in early 1990s
Since late 1980s, he took part in China National High-Tech Development Program on space technology as the expert of science and application. He is the chief scientist of Earth Environment Monitoring Unit on board China spacecraft SZ-3 which was launched in 2002. He also actively involved in earth observation high-tech R&D programs, including as the chief scientist of UV limb imaging spectrometry, solar irradiance monitoring on Kuafu Mission. Since late1980s, involved in global change research on land surface-atmosphere interaction to climate and ecology, as chief scientist of NSFC's major research project Inner-Mongolia Grassland Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere interaction.
Ongoing Projects
1. Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange over East Asia (Approved by NSFC) 2004-2007
2. Composite Observation for Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange over Tibet (Approved by NSFC) 2008-2010
3. Solar Irradiance Monitoring on Kuafu Mission (Phase A)
4. Space-borne UV imaging spectrometry and retrieval scheme
Li Qishen & Lu Daren, 1963: Radar Scattering induced by fluctuation of atmospheric reflectivity index. Chinese J. of Meteorology, Vol. 33 No.1, (in Chinese)
Lu Daren & Lin Hai 1980: Comparison of radar and radiometer in precipitation remote sensing and their combined use. Chinese J. of Atmos. Sci. Vol.4, No.1, 30-39. (in Chinese)
Lu Daren Zhou Xiuji and Qiu Jinhuan 1981: Remote sensing of aerosol size distribution with combined extinction/ forward scattering—principle and numerical simulation, Chinese Science,1982, No.7
Lu Daren 1982: A Lidar equation taking consideration of second scattering and its application in low visibility remote sensing, ACTA Geophysics, Vol.25 No.1,1-9
Daren Lu, T.E. VanZandt, and W.L. Clark, 1984: VHF Doppler Radar Observations of Buoyancy Waves Associated with Thunderstorms, J. Atmos. Sci., 41(2), 272-282. (SCI)
Wu Beiying and Lu Daren, 1985: Remote Sensing of Rainfall Parameters by Laser Scintillation Method (2)-Numerical Simu11ation of the Retrieving, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2(3)
Lu Daren,T.E.VanZandt and W.L.Clark,1987:Mesoscale Spectra of the Free Atmospheric Motion in Mid-latitude Summer-Universality and Contribution of Thunderstorm activities, Adv. Atmos. Sci.,4(1),1987
Wu Beiying & Lu Daren 1988: Retrieval of Stratospheric Background Aerosols with Twilight Polarization Observation and IR Radiometers, Applied Optics, Vo1.27, No.23.
Zhang Hui jun and Lu Daren, 1989: Effects of Wind Shear on Atmospheric Gravity Wave Spectrum, Acta Meteor Sinica, 3(1).
Lu Daren 1989: suggestions concerning the Development of Basic Research of Earth System Science, Bul1etin of the Chinese Acta.Sci., No.1
Lu Daren, Huang Zhen and Shen Mei 1992: On Research of Solar Activities/Climate Weather Relationship, Adv. in Solar-Terrestrial Science of China,
Lu Daren, Wu Beiying, Qiu Jinhuan, 1994:Remote sensing of Cloud Optical Depth with AVHRR and Ground-Based Observation, Adv. Space Res. Vo1.14, N0.1, 89-94
Lin longfu, Lu Daren Liu Jinli Wu Beiying 1994: Model Study of Microwave Radiance Emerging from Horizonta11y Finite Precipitating Clouds with Different Lateral Boundary Conditions. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.18, No.4, pp417-426
Chen Hongbin, Lu Daren, Xu Lisheng, 1995, Variation characteristics of stratospheric aerosols due to the Pinatubo eruption by SAGE Ⅱ data, Chinese Science Bulletin Vol.40 (3).
Chong Wei & Daren Lu, 1994: An Universal Regression Retrieval Method of the Ground-based Microwave Remote Sensing of Precipitable Water Vapor and Path-Integrated Cloud Liquid Water Content, Atmospheric Research, 34,309-322. (SCI)
Lu Daren, Li Wei, 1996: Observation and Modeling of Surface Ultraviolet (UV-A, UV-B) Spectral Radiances, From Atmospheric Circulation to Global Change, China Meteorological Press.
Daren Lu, 1997, Inner-Mongolia Semi-Arid Grassland Soil-Vegetation- Atmosphere Interaction, (IMGRASS). Global Change News Letter No 31. 4-5. (SCI)
Daren Lu and Wei Li, 1997, Frequency and wave number Spectra of Atmospheric Meso- and Small- Scale Motion in the Mid-Upper Stratosphere. Adv. Space. Res. Vol.19 pp599-602
Fang Li and Daren Lu, 1997, Features of Aerosol Optical Depth with Visibility Grade over Beijing. Atmos. Environ 31(20) PP3413-3419, 1997. (SCI)
Daren LU and Yinjian Wang, 1997. Recent Advances in middle atmosphere research in China in “SPACE SCIENCE IN CHINA” PP 183-206, Edit. By W-R HU. Gordon and Breach Science Publisher.
Luo YunFeng, Lu Daren et al 2001,Characteristics of the spatial distribution and yearly variation of aerosol optical depth over China in last 30 years, J. Geophysical Research,Vol.106, No.D13,pp14,501-14,513 (SCI)
Daren Lu et al 2002: Advances on Study of Middle and Upper atmosphere and Their Coupling with Lower Atmosphere, Chinese J. of Space Science, Vol.22, Suppl.111-119
Zhi-gang Han and Da-ren Lu 2002:Retrieval of atmospheric aerosol over mid-latitude grassland with POLDER data。 Advance in Space Research, Vol.29 Issue 11, June 2002, 1759-1764 (SCI)
Lu Daren & Chen Hongbin 2003: Advance in Middle Atmosphere Physics Research, Chinese J. of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.27, No.4, 750-769
Qiu Jinhuan, Lu Daren, Chen Hongbin, Wang Gengchen and Shi Guangyu 2003: Modern Research Progress in Atmospheric Physics, Chinese J. of Atmospheric Sciences , Vol.27,No.4, 628-652 (in Chinese)
Lu Daren, Wang Pucai, Qiu Jinhuan & Tao Shiyan 2003: An Overview on the Research Progress of Atmospheric Remote Sensing and Satellite Meteorology in China, Chinese J. of Atmospheric Sciences , Vol.27,No.4, 552-566
Yang Jian & Lu Daren 2003: A Model Study of the Cut-off Low Induced Stratosphere- Troposphere Exchange over East Asia, Chinese J. of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.27, No.3, 266-279
Lu Daren ,Yi Fan, and Xu Jiyao 2004: Advances in Studies of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere and Their Coupling with Lower Atmosphere, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.21,No.3, 361-368
GUO Xia,LU Yao and LU Daren 2004: Feasibility study for joint retrieval of air density and ozone concentration profiles in the mesosphere using an ultra violet limb-scan technique, Progress in Natural Science, Vol.14 No.6, 504-510
Ling Zhang, Daren Lu, Shu Duan, and Jinli Liu, Small-Scale Rain Nonuniformity and Its Effect on Evaluation of Nonuniform Beam Filling Error for Spaceborne Radar Rain Measurement. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 21(8), p.1190-1197, Aug. 2004. (SCI)
Lu Daren,Chen Zuozhong, Chen Jiayi,Wang Gengchen, Ji Jinjun, ChenHongbin and Liu Zhongling 2005: Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Interaction in Inner Mongolia Semi-Arid Grassland, ACTA meteorological Sinica, 63 (5) 571-693
Cheng Tiantao, Lu Daren, Chen Hongbin, Wang Gengchen, Size distribution and element composition of dust aerosol in Chinese Otindag sandland, Chinese Sci. Bull., 2005, 50(8): 788~792. (SCI)
Cheng Tiantao, Lu Daren, Chen Hongbin, Xu Yongfu, Physical characteristics of dust aerosol over Hunshan Dake sandland in northern China. Atmos. Envir., 2005,39,1237~1243. (SCI)
Bian Jianchun, Chen Hongbin, Lu Daren, Statistics of gravity waves in the lower stratosphere over Beijing based on high vertical resolution radiosonde, Sci. in China (D), 200, 48(9), 1548~1558. (SCI)
Wang Xin, and Lu Daren, 2005: Retrieval of water vapor profiles with radio occultation measurements using an artificial neural network. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 22 95), 759-764.
Wang Xin, Lu Daren, and Xue Zhengang, 2005: A nonlinear inverse method for retrieval of water vapour from radio occultation measurements. Chinese J. Geophys., 48 (1), 39-46.
Cheng, Tiantao, Liu Yan, Daren Lu, Yongfu Xu, Hongyu Li, 2006: Aerosol properties and radiative forcing in Hunshan Dake desert, northern China. Atmospheric Environment, 40, 2169-2179. (SCI)
Du, Rui, Daren Lu, and Gengchen Wang, 2006: Diurnal, seasonal, and inter-annual variation of N2O fluxes from native semi-arid grassland soils of Inner Mongolia. Soil biology & Biochemistry, 38(12), 3474-3482. (SCI)
Guo, Xia and Daren Lu, 2006: Feasibility study for joint retrieval of air density and ozone in the stratosphere and mesosphere with the limb-scan technique. Appl. Opt., 45(35), 9021-9030. (SCI)
Liu, Renqiang, Daren Lu, Fan Yi, and Xiong Hu, 2006: Quadratic nonlinear interactions between atmospheric tides in the mid-latitude winter lower thermosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 68 (11), 1245-1259. (SCI)
WANG Yue, Lü DaRen & HUO Juan 2007: Impact of cloud inhomogeneity on bi-directional reflectance, Chinese Science Bulletin 52(17), 2064-2070. (SCI)
Zhang, Wenxing, Daren, Lu, and Youli Chang, 2007: A feasibility study of cloud base height remote sensing by simulating ground-based thermal infrared brightness temperature measurements. CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS, 50(2), 339-350.
Guo, Xia, Daren, Lu, Yao, Lu, 2007: A Simple but Accurate Ultraviolet Limb-Scan Spherically-Layered Radiative-Transfer-Model Based on Single-Scattering Physics. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24(4), 599-630.
DUAN Minzheng and LU Daren, Simultaneously Retrieving Aerosol Optical Depth and Surface Albedo over Land from POLDER's Multi-angle Polarized Measurements I : Theory and Simulations, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.31,No15, 757-765, 2007
Chen Ze-Yu,Lu Da-Ren (2007), Seasonal variations of the MLT tides in 120 degree E Meridian, Chinese. J. Geophys., 50(3), 606--616.
DUAN MinZheng and Lu DaRen, Delta-M method in Vector Radiative tranfer.Progress in Natural Science, Vol.17(4), 487-493,2007
Invited paper
LU Daren, SUN Haibing, BIAN Jianchun, CHEN Hongbin, LIU Jinli, DUAN Minzheng, HAN Zhigang, 1998, New methods for retrieval of rainfall rate over ocean with SSM/I data, 《Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Environment》SPIE proceedings series Vol.3503, 102-107
Daren Lu and Minzheng Duan, 1998, Strategy of Simultaneous Remote Sensing of Aerosol Optical Depth and Surface Reflectance with Space-borne Spectrometry, 《Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds》SPIE proceedings series Vol.3501, 2-11
Lu Daren and Duan Mingzheng, 2000: Atmospheric Correction for high resolution multi-wavelength spectrometry based on radiative transfer model computation, SPIE 2nd Int'l Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Environment and Space. Sendai, Japan 9-12 Oct. 2000 Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4150
Daren LU and Minzheng DUAN 2001(Invited paper):ATMOSPHERIC CORRECTION FOR SATELLITE-BORNE AND AIRBORNE SPECTROMETRY EFFECTS OF AEROSOL TYPE AND PIXEL SIZE. CEReS International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Validation of Satellite Data, Chiba, Japan, Feb 22-23 2001
Daren Lu et al 2002: Ground-based remote sensing of Aerosols' optical depth and it vertical distribution with solar spectral radiometer- numerical simulation and field observation. SPIE's Third International Asia-Pacific Environmental Remote Sensing Symposium 2002, 23-27Oct.2002, Hangzhou, China
Lu Daren, Zhang Wenxing, and Li Hongzhou, Mesoscale characteristics of dust storms and mineral dust aerosol's spectral optical depth over Northern China,Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5832, 172 (2005).