姓 名: | 郄秀书 | 性 别: | 女 | ![]() |
职 务: | 院重点实验主任 | 职 称: | 研究员 | |
通讯地址: | 中国科学院大气物理研究所中层大气和全球环境探测重点实验室 | |||
邮政编码: | 100029 | 电子邮件: | qiex@mail.iap.ac.cn | |
个人主页: |
简历: | |
1979.09-1983.06: 河北大学物理系光学专业,获学士学位 1984.09-1987.05: 中科院兰州高原大气物理研究所研究生,获硕士学位 1994.09-1998.05:中科院兰州高原大气物理研究所研究生,获博士学位 1992.11-1993.10: 法国图卢兹第三大学,留学 1987.06-1993.11:中科院兰州高原大气物理研究所,助研 1993.12-1996.03:中科院兰州高原大气物理研究所,副研 1996.04-1999.12:中科院兰州高原大气物理研究所,研究员/中心主任 2000.01-2006.03:中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,研究员/博导/室主任 其中2001.11-2002.05:英国伦敦帝国理工大学物理系,合作研究 2006.4-今:中科院大气物理研究所 研究员/博导/实验室主任
兼职: 2018年6月当选国际大气电学委员会(ICAE)主席 2003.6-今: 国际大气电学委员会 2003年-今:美国地球物理学会 2008-2013:国际大电网组织(CIGRE)WG C4.407 委员 2010.1-2014:国际大电网组织(CIGRE)WG C4.410委员 2011-今:中国气象学会雷电委员会副主任 2002-今,气象学报(中、英文),常务编委 2008.1-今: Open Access Atmospheric Science Journal, Co-Editor 2008.1-今: Journal of Lightning Research, Associate Editor 2009-今,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Editor 2009-今,大气科学,副主编 2011-今,Atmospheric Research, Associate Editor 2003-今, 第十、十一、十二届全国政协委员。 |
研究领域: | |
大气电学、雷电物理与探测技术、中小尺度强对流天气 |
获奖及荣誉: | |
1. 1993年“闪电定位系统及其探测实验研究”获中科院科技进步二等奖 2. 1999年“人工引发雷电及雷电物理研究”获中科院科技进步二等奖 3. 2006年“雷电物理过程及其探测和防护研究”,甘肃省科技进步二等奖 4. 2013年“雷暴和雷电过程的观测和理论研究”获甘肃省自然科学二等奖 5. 1995年获得政府特殊津贴 6. 1997年获中国科学院“十大”杰出青年荣誉称号 7. 1998年获第六届“中国青年科技奖” 8. 1998年获中国科学院“研究生院长奖学金特别奖” 9. 2000年获得全国“三八红旗手”荣誉称号 10. 2000年当选为“中国十大女杰” 11. 2003年度国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 12. 2006年获得中组部西部优秀学者奖 |
代表论著: | |
著作: 1. 王道洪,郄秀书,郭昌明,2000,雷电与人工引雷,上海交大出版社 2. 郄秀书,张其林,袁铁,张廷龙,2013,雷电物理学,中国科学出版社 期刊论文: 1. Qie X., X. Wu, T. Yuan, J. Bian, and D. Lu, (2014), Comprehensive Pattern of Deep Convective Systems over the Tibetan Plateau-South Asian Monsoon Region Based on TRMM Data. J. Climate. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00076.1 2. Qie X., R. Zhu, T. Yuan, W. Li, and D. Liu, (2014), Application of total-lightning data assimilation in a mesoscale convective system based on the WRF model. Atmos. Res., 145-146:255-266. 3. Qie X., R. Jiang, J. Yang, (2014), Characteristics of current pulses in rocket-triggered lightning, Atmos. Res., 135-136: 322-329. 4. Pan, L. X., X. S. Qie, and D. F. Wang, (2014), Lightning activity and its relation to the intensity of typhoons over the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(3), 581-592. 5. Liu D., X. Qie, O., G. Feng, L. Peng, and W. Li (2014), The electrification and charge structure of a summer simulated thunderstorm over North China by RAMS model, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(4), doi:10.1007/s00376-014-3078-7 6. 郄秀书, 孙竹玲, 刘冬霞 (2014), 闪电气象学研究进展.气象学报. DOI:10.11676/qxxb2014.048. 7. Sun, Z., X. Qie, M. Liu (2014), Characteristics of a negative cloud-to-ground lightning discharge based on locations of VHF radiation sources. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett. 7 (3): 248-253 8. Jiang R., X. Qie, Z. Wu, et al. (2014), Characteristics of upward lightning from a 325-m-tall meteorology tower, Atmos. Res. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.06.007 9. 王宇,郄秀书,王东方,刘明远,王志超 (2014). 正地闪和负地闪预击穿脉冲序列的统计分析与对比. 大气科学, 38 (1): 21–31 10. Qie, X., Z. Wang, D. Wang, M. Liu (2013), Characteristics of positive cloud-to-ground lightning in DaHinggan Ling forest region at relatively high latitude, northeastern China, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 118, doi:10.1002/2013JD020093. 11. Yang J., X. Qie, G. Feng (2013), Characteristics of one sprite-producing summer thunderstorm. Atmos. Res., 127: 90–115. 12. Jiang R., X. Qie, C. Wang, J. Yang, (2013), Propagating features of upward positive leaders in the initial stage of rocket-triggered lightning, Atmos. Res., 129–130: 90–96. 13. Sun Z., X. Qie, M. Liu, D. Cao, D. Wang (2013), Lightning VHF radiation location system based on short-baseline TDOA technique—Validation in rocket-triggered lightning, Atmos. Res., 129-130: 58–66. 14. Pan L., D. Liu, X. S. Qie, D. F. Wang, R. P. Zhu (2013), Land-sea contrast in the lightning diurnal variation as observed by the WWLLN and LIS/OTD data. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 27(4), 591–600, doi: 10.1007/s13351-013-0408-0. 15. Liu D., X. Qie, L. Pan, L. Peng (2013), Some characteristics of lightning activity and radiation source distribution in a squall line over north China, Atmos. Res., 132–133: 423–433. 16. Jiang, R., X. Qie, J. Yang, C. Wang, and Y. Zhao (2013), Characteristics of M-component in rocket-triggered lightning and a discussion on its mechanism, Radio Sci., 48, 597–606, doi:10.1002/rds.20065. 17. 刘冬霞, 郄秀书, 王志超, 吴学珂, 潘伦湘 (2013), 飑线系统中的闪电辐射源分布特征及云内电荷结构讨论. 物理学报, 62 (21): 219201-219201. 18. Wu X., Qie X., Yuan T. (2013), Regional distribution and diurnal variation of deep convective systems over the Asian monsoon region. Science China: Earth Sciences, 56: 843–854. 19. 武智君,郄秀书,王东方,等,(2013), 大兴安岭林区负地闪电荷源的反演.气象学报, 71(4):783-796 20. 王彩霞,郄秀书, 蒋如斌,杨静,(2012), 一次人工触发闪电上行正先导的传输特征,物理学报,61(3): 039203-1-8. 21. 李万莉,刘冬霞,郄秀书,傅慎明,段树,陈羿辰 (2012), 基于RAMS V6.0的非感应起电机制评估和雷暴初期电荷结构模拟. 物理学报, 2012, 61(5): 059202.. 22. 曹冬杰,郄秀书,段树,宣越建,王东方等 (2012), 基于VHF辐射源短基线定位系统对闪电放电过程的研究. 物理学报, 2012, 61(6): 069202.. 23. Wang Y., G. Zhang, X. Qie et al. (2012), Characteristics of compact intracloud discharges observed in a severe thunderstorm in northern part of China, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 84-85, 7-14. 24. 王俊芳,郄秀书,卢红,张吉龙,于晓霞 (2012),雷暴电场对宇宙射线次级粒子μ 子的影响研究. 物理学报, 61(15): 159202.. 25. Qie, X. S., (2012), Progresses in the atmospheric electricity researches in China during 2006-2010. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 29(5), 993-1005, doi: 10.1007/s00376-011-1195-0. 26. 瞿海燕, 袁萍, 张华明, 郄秀书 (2012), 闪电放电过程的近红外光谱及温度沿放电通道的演化特征. 地球物理学报, 55(8): 2508-2513. 27. 郄秀书, 杨静, 蒋如斌, 等. (2012), 山东人工引发雷电综合观测实验及回击电流特征.大气科学,36(1):77-88,doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2012.01.07 28. Qie, X., R. Jiang, C. Wang, J. Yang, J. Wang, and D. Liu (2011), Simultaneously measured current, luminosity, and electric field pulses in a rocket-triggered lightning flash, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D10102, doi:10.1029/2010JD015331. 29. Liu D., X. Qie, Y. Xiong, and G. Feng (2011): Evolution of the total lightning activity in a leading-line and trailing stratiform mesoscale convective system over Beijing. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 28(4), 866-878. 30. 蒋如斌,郄秀书,王彩霞,等, (2011),峰值电流达几千安量级的闪电M分量放电特征及机制探讨.物理学报,20(7):079201-1-8. 31. 赵阳,郄秀书,陈明理,等, (2011),人工触发闪电中的M分量特征.高原气象,30(2):508-517. 32. 曹冬杰,郄秀书,杨静,等,(2011),闪电初始放电阶段亚微秒电场变化波形特征.大气科学,35(4):645-656. 33. 杨美荣, 袁铁, 郄秀书, 潘伦湘 (2011), 西北太平洋热带气旋的闪电活动、雷达反射率和冰散射信号特征分.气象学报, 69(2):370-380 34. Yang, J., X. Qie, G. Zhang, et al. (2010), Characteristics of channel base currents and close magnetic fields in triggered flashes in SHATLE, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D23102, doi:10.1029/2010JD014420. 35. Zhao Z., X. Qie, T. Zhangg, et al. (2010), Electric field soundings and the charge structure within an isolated thunderstorm. Chinese Sci Bull, 55(9): 872-876. 36. Zhang, G., Y. Wang, X. Qie, T. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Y. Li, and D. Cao (2010), Using lightning locating system based on Time-of-Arrival technique to study three-Dimensional lightning discharge processes. Sci. Chin. Ser. D-Earth Sci., 53(4): 591-602. 37. Pan L., Qie X., Liu D., et al. (2010), The lightning activities in super typhoons over the Northwest Pacific, Sci. Chin. Ser. D-Earth Sci., 5(8): 1241-1248. 38. 王 杰,袁 萍,郭凤霞,郄秀书,等 (2010), 云闪放电通道内的粒子密度及分布特征.地球物理学报,53(6):1295~1301. 39. 刘冬霞,郄秀书,冯桂力 (2010),华北一次中尺度对流系统中的闪电活动特征及其与雷暴动力过程的关系研究.大气科学,34(1):95-104 40. 袁铁,郄秀书 (2010), 基于TRMM卫星对一次华南飑线的闪电活动及其与降水结构的关系研究.大气科学,34(1):58-70. 41. 郄秀书, 杨静, 蒋如斌,等, (2010),新型人工引雷专用火箭及其首次引雷实验结果.大气科学, 34(5):937-946 42. 郄秀书,王俊芳 (2010),地球γ射线闪(TGFs)及其物理机制研究进展,地球科学进展,893-906 43. 潘伦湘,郄秀书 (2010),0709号超强台风圣帕(Sepat)的闪电活动特征,大气科学,34:1088-1098 44. 袁铁,郄秀书 (2010),中国东部及邻近海域暖季降水系统的闪电、雷达反射率和微波特征.气象学报,68(5):652-665 45. Qie X., Y. Zhao, Q. Zhang, et al. (2009), Characteristics of artificially triggered lightning during Shandong artificial triggering lightning experiment (SHATLE), Atmos. Res., 91(2-4):310-315. 46. Qie X., T. Zhang, G. Zhang, T. Zhang (2009), Electrical characteristics of thunderstorms in different plateau regions of China, Atmos. Res., 2009(2-4): 244-249. 47. Feng G., Qie X., Wang J., Gong D. (2009), Lightning and Doppler radar observations of a squall line system, Atmos. Res., 91(2-4):466-478. 48. Cui H., X. Qie, Q. Zhang, T. Zhang, G. Zhang, J. Yang (2009), Intracloud discharge and the correlated basic charge structure of a typical thunderstorm in Zhongchuan, a Chinese inland plateau region, Atmos. Res., 91(2-4): 425-429. 49. Zhang Q., X. Qie, Y. Zhao, X. Kong, J. Yang (2009), Characteristics and Simulation of Lightning Current Waveforms during one Artificially Triggered Lightning, Atmos. Res., 91(2-4): 387-392 50. Yang J., X. Qie, Q. Zhang, et al. (2009),Comparative analysis of the initial stage in two artificially-triggered lightning flashes, Atmos. Res., 91(2-4): 393-398 51. Kong X., X. Qie, Y. Zhao, T. Zhang (2009), Characteristics of negative lightning flashes presenting multiple-ground terminations on a millisecond-scale, Atmos. Res., 91(2-4): 381-386 52. Gou X., M. Chen, Y. Zhang, W. Dong, X. Qie (2009), Wavelet multiresolution based multifractal analysis of electric fields by lightning return strokes, Atmos. Res., 91(2-4): 410-415 53. Zhang, Q., X. Qie, Z. Wang, T. Zhang, and J. Yang (2009), Simultaneous observation on electric field changes at 60 m and 550 m from altitude-triggered lightning flashes, Radio Sci. , 44, RS1011, doi:10.1029/2008RS003866. 54. Zhang T., X. Qie, T. Yuan, et al. (2009), Charge source of cloud-to-ground lightning and charge structure of a typical thunderstorm in the Chinese Inland Plateau, Atmos. Res., 92(4): 475-480. 55. Wang J., Yuan P., Guo F., Qie X., Ouyang Y., Zhang Y. (2009), The spectra and temperature of cloud lightning discharge channel, Sci. Chin. Ser. D-Earth Sci., 52(7) 902-912 56. Zhao Y., and X. Qie, X. Kong, et al. (2009) Analysis on the parameters of the current waveforms of triggered lightning. Acta Phys. Sin., 58(9), 6616–6625. 57. Wang D., X. Qie, T. Yuan, et al. (2009), An analysis of the initial stage of intracloud lightning using the pulse location technique based on the fast electric field change. Acta Meteor. Sin., 23(6), 772-781. 58. Kong X., X. Qie, Y. Zhao. (2008), Characteristics of downward leader in a positive cloud-to-ground lightning flash observed by high-speed video camera and electric field changes. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L05816, doi:10.1029/2007GL032764 59. Yang J., X. Qie, G. Zhang (2008), Red sprites over thunderstorms in the coast of Shandong province, China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(7):1079-1086. 60. Yang J., X. Qie, J. Wang et al. (2008), Observation of the lightning-induced voltage in the horizontal conductor and its simulation (in Chinese). Acta Physicae. Sin., 57(3), 1968–1975. 61. Yang, J., X. Qie, G. Zhang, and H. Wang (2008), Magnetic field measuring system and current retrieval in artificially triggering lightning experiment, Radio Sci., 43, RS2011, doi:10.1029/2007RS003753. 62. Yuan, T., and X. Qie (2008), Study on lightning activity and precipitation characteristics before and after the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14101, doi:10.1029/2007JD009382. 63. Zhang G., Y. Zhao, X. Qie (2008), Observation and study on the whole process of cloud-to-ground lightning using narrowband radio interferometer, Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 51(5): 694-708 64. Gou X, Zhang Y, Dong W, Qie X (2007),Wavelet-based multifractal analysis of the radiation field of first return stroke in cloud-to-ground discharge, Chinese J Geophy, 50 (1): 101-105 65. Qie X, Kong X, (2007), The progression features of a stepped leader process with four grounded leader branches, Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L06809, doi:10.1029/2006GL028771. 66. Feng G., X. Qie, T. Yuan, S. Niu S (2007), Analysis on lightning activity and precipitation structure of hailstorms, Sci. China Ser. D-Earth Sci., 50 (4): 629-639 67. Qie X., Q. Zhang, Y. (2007), Artificially triggered lightning and its characteristic discharge parameters in two severe thunderstorms, Sci. China Ser. D-Earth Sci., 50(8):1241-1250 68. Xiong Y, Qie X, Zhou Y, et al.(2006), Regional responses of lightning activities to relative humidity of the surface, Chinese J Geophy, 49 (2): 367-374 69. Yuan P, Qie X, Lu S, et al. (2006), The spectral properties of an intense lightning return stroke, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 26 (4): 733-737 70. Kong X, Qie X, Zhao Y, et al. (2006), An analysis of discharge processes of one cloud-to-ground lightning flash on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Chinese J Geophy, 49 (4): 993-1000 71. Ouyang Y, Yuan P, Qie X, et al. (2006), Temperature study on lightning return stroke in the coastal area of Guangdong, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 26 (11): 1988-1992 72. Qie X., Zhang Y., and Zhang Q.(2006), Characteristics of Lightning Discharges and Electric Structure of Thunderstorm, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, (2):244-257 73. Qie, X., T. Zhang, C. Chen, et al. (2005), The lower positive charge center and its effect on lightning discharges on the Tibetan Plateau, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L05814, doi:10.1029/2004GL022162. 74. Zhou Y., S. Soula, V. Pont, X. Qie (2005), NOx ground concentration at a station at high altitude in relation to cloud-t-ground lightning flashes, Atmos. Res., 75:47-69. 75. Qie X., X. Kong, G. Zhang, et al.(2005), The possible charge structure of thunderstorm and lightning discharges in northeastern verge of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Atmos. Res., 76:231-246. 76. Toumi, R., and X. Qie (2004), Seasonal variation of lightning on the Tibetan Plateau: A Spring anomaly?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L04115, doi:10.1029/2003GL018930. 77. Yuan P., Liu X., Zhang Y., Qie X., Zhang G., Wang H. (2004), Spectral study on lightning return stroke in plateau area, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 47(1): 42-46 78. Qie X, Yuan T, Xie Y, et al. (2004), Spatial and temporal distribution of lightning activities over the Tibetan plateau, Chinese J Geophy, 47 (6): 997-1002 79. Qie X., R. Toumi, Y. Zhou (2003), Lightning activity on the central Tibetan Plateau and its response to convective available potential energy, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(4):296-299. 80. 张义军,董万胜,张广庶,郄秀书 (2003), 空中引发雷电先导的物理过程.地球物理学报,2003,46(4): 446-449. 81. Qie, X., R. Toumi, and T. Yuan (2003), Lightning activities on the Tibetan Plateau as observed by the lightning imaging sensor, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D17), 4551, doi:10.1029/2002JD003304. 82. 郄秀书,周筠君,袁铁 (2003), 卫星观测到的全球雷电活动及其地域差异,地球物理学报,46(6):743-750. 83. Zhou Y, Qie X, Soula S (2002), A study of the relationship between cloud-to-ground lightning and precipitation in the convective weather system in China, Annales Geophysicae, 20 (1): 107-113 84. Qie X, Yu Y, Guo C, Laroche P, Zhang G, Zhang Q (2002), Some features of stepped and dart-stepped leaders near the ground in natural negative cloud-to-ground lightning discharges, Annales Geophysicae, 20 (6): 863-870. 85. Qie X., Wang D., Yu Y. (2002), Characteristics of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Chinese Inland Plateau, Journal of Meteorology Society of Japan, 80(4):745-754. 86. Qie X., YU Yu., Liu X. and Zhang G., (2000), K-type breakdown process of intracloud discharge in Chinese inland plateau, Progress in Natural Science, 10(8):607-611 87. Qie X., Y. Yu, X. Liu, et al. (2000), Charge analysis on lightning discharges to the ground in Chinese inland plateau(Verge of Tibet), Annales Geophysicae, 18, 10, 1340-1348. 88. Zhang H., Zhang Y., Qie X., et al. (1999), Study on rainfall measurement and raindrop spectra with the differential reflectivity ZDR technique of a dual linear polarization radar, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 13(1): 115-128. 89. 郄秀书,刘欣生等, (1998), 地面电晕离子对空中引雷始发过程的影响. 高原气象17(1):84-94. 90. 郄秀书,张翠华,郭昌明等, (1998), 地闪回击的微秒级辐射场特征及近地面连接过程分析. 高原气象, 17(1):44-54。 91. 郄秀书, 张广庶, 雷暴下的电流密度测量和准稳态特性讨论, 高原气象, 1996, 15(2):221-228. 92. 郄秀书, S. Soula, S. Chauzy,雷暴下地面电晕离子演化的数值模拟,地球物理学报, 1996,39(增刊), 43-51. 93. Qie X., S. Soula and S. Chauzy (1994), Influence of ion attachment on vertical distribution of electric field and charge density under thunderstorm, Annales Geophysicae, 12,1218-1228. 94. Qie X., Guo C., Yan M. et al. (1993), Lightning data and study of thunderstorm nowcasting, ACTA Meteorologica Sinica,7(2): 244-256. 95. Yan M., Guo C., Qie X., et al. (1992), Observation and model analyses of positive cloud-to-ground lightning in mesoscale convective system, ACTA Meteorologica Sinica, 6(5):501-510. 96. Qie X., Guo C. and Zhang G. (1991), Measurements of lightning radiation field and estimation of first return stroke parameters, ACTA Meteorologica Sinica, 5(3):381-386. 97. Qie X., Guo C. and Zhang G. (1991), The characteristics of ground flashes in Beijing and Lanzhou regions, Adv. Atmos. Sci, 8(4):471-478. 98. 郄秀书,郭昌明,王怀斌,(1990), 闪电的20MHz辐射及放电特征,高原气象, 9(1): 93-97 99. 郄秀书,(1989),地闪定向仪的定向误差及应用,高原气象, 8(1):70-74. 100.郄秀书,郭昌明,张广庶, (1988),闪电辐射场的宽带频谱测量及地闪首次回击放电参数的估算,高原气象, 7(4):312-320. |
承担科研项目情况: | |
1. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“雷电重大灾害天气系统的动力-微物理-电过程和成灾机理”,2014-2018,首席科学家 2. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题“雷电灾害天气过程的探测系统综合集成及协同观测实验”,750万元,2014-2018,课题组长 3. 国家自然科学基金项目:“基于小火箭-导线引发闪电的多频段辐射特征和放电机理研究”,98万元,2011.1-2014.12,负责人 4. 中科院仪器研制费“多频段高分辨雷电探测系统”,452万元,2012.11-2014.10,负责人 5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:“雷暴系统的电过程观测及其同化方法研究”,184万元,2010.1-2013.12,负责人 6. 国家自然科学基金“地球γ-射线闪(TGFs)机理及其与闪电的联系研究”,45万,2008.1-2010.12,负责人 7. 中科院仪器研制费“雷电综合探测网络及新一代人工引雷系统的研制”,270万元,2007.1-2008.8,负责人。 8. 国家自然科学基金“中国内陆高原雷暴云内的电场探测与云内的电荷结构研究”,42万,2007.1-2009.12,负责人。 9. 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“强对流天气雷电过程及其与动力特征和降水的关系研究”,220万,2007.1-2009.12,负责人。 10. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目“雷电与强对流天气的实验和理论研究”, 120万元,2004.1-2007.12,负责人。 11. 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“雷电物理过程及其探测和防护关键实验技术研究” , 280万元,2000.7-2003.6,负责人。 12. 中科院仪器研制费“闪电探测和定位系统研制”,375万元,2003.1-2005.12,负责人。 13. 国家自然科学基金“十五”重点项目“雷暴和雷电过程的观测和理论研究”, 225万元,2002.1-2005.12,负责人。 14. 中国科学院百人计划“雷电机理及其探测和预警关键技术研究”,100万元,2008-2011,负责人。 15. 国家自然科学基金项目“地闪预击穿过程研究”,18万,2000.1-2002.12,负责人。 16. 中国科学院“西部之光”优秀人才培养计划资助项目:“冰雹灾害预警及人工影响研究”,1997.1-1999,25万元,负责人。 17.国家自然科学青年基金“雷暴云下近地面电结构的实验研究”,1995.1-1997.12万元,负责人。 |